Permissionless OAuth

OAuth (Open Authorization) is a widely accepted protocol for secure, delegated access, allowing users to approve one application interacting with another on their behalf without giving away their passwords. However, traditional OAuth schemes have several downsides, mainly around centralization, privacy, and security, which Clique's compute coordination network aim to address.

Downsides of Current OAuth Schemes:

  1. Centralization: Traditional OAuth providers are typically centralized systems. These central authorities manage user data, making them attractive targets for hackers. If the OAuth provider is compromised, there's a cascading effect, potentially jeopardizing all applications and services reliant on it for authentication.

  2. Data Privacy: While OAuth doesn’t share password data, it does require users to share personal information to a certain extent with third-party applications. This data sharing is often more than needed, creating unnecessary privacy risks. Additionally, users aren't always aware of the extent of the information they share.

  3. Permission Scope: OAuth often requires users to grant broad permissions to applications, sometimes more than what the application requires for its functionality. This "over-permission" poses significant security risks should the third-party services be compromised.

  4. Phishing Risks: Users are trained to enter credentials after being redirected by an OAuth process, making them susceptible to phishing attacks. Malicious actors can create fake OAuth dialogs to steal user credentials.

  5. Single Point of Failure: Being a centralized system, traditional OAuth has a single point of failure. If the system goes down, every service relying on it for authentication might become inaccessible.

Benefits of Clique's Solutions:

Clique’s compute coordination network revolutionize this space by introducing a permissionless and privacy-preserving approach to identity verification and authentication processes, including OAuth.

  1. Decentralization: By leveraging blockchain technology, Clique minimizes the risks associated with centralization. The decentralized nature of Clique's compute coordination network means no single entity controls the entire system, significantly reducing the target for hackers and mitigating centralized points of failure.

  2. Privacy-Preservation: Clique allows users to control what information they share, with whom, and to what extent, using advanced cryptographic techniques. This ensures minimal personal information is exposed during interactions, safeguarding user privacy.

  3. Reduced Permission Scope: With Clique, users grant permissions more granularly, only providing access required for the application to function. This limits the risks associated with broad-scope permissions in traditional OAuth processes.

  4. Resilience to Phishing: Since users aren't redirected to third-party sites to enter credentials, the propensity towards phishing attacks is significantly reduced. Authentication happens in a secure environment, minimizing the chances of credential theft.

  5. Interoperability and User Control: Clique’s system enhances user control over identities across various platforms and services, without the need to repeatedly authenticate. This not only improves the user experience but also strengthens security.

In summary, Clique's identity oracles address the critical pain points of traditional OAuth schemes by providing a decentralized, secure, and user-centric model for identity verification and data sharing. This forward-thinking approach places user privacy at its core while ensuring seamless interoperability and enhanced security across platforms and services.

Last updated